API Version Update. API Version 1.2 has been released.


Introducing the latest release, Version 1.2, of our product. Experience enhanced receipt format designed to seamlessly accommodate various businesses. With improved speed and enhanced readability, organizing your receipts has never been easier.

Following items are changed for Version 1.2.

Upsert Receipt Request Model will be changed.

  1. cancelType will be a numeric value. Currently, only the value 0 is used, but we plan to handle values other than 0.
  2. Export values related to customer as an object. The contents in customer will be customerId, customerCode, customerGroup, customerPrintName, customerMemo.
  3. Export values related to point or mile as an object. It will be an array inside customer. The array name will be membershipPrograms, with membershipProgramName, membershipProgramPointsUsed, membershipProgramPointsAdded, membershipProgramPointsAfter, membershipProgramPointsBefore, membershipProgramPointsNote.
  4. Export values related to tax as an array object. This object will be defined inside PaymentSummary. The object name will be taxes, with taxPercentageIfInclude, taxPercentageIfExclude, applicableSubTotalAmount.
  5. isClosed, closingDate will no longer be available.
  6. Subtotal, GrandTotal, Deposit etc. will be exported as the PaymentSummary object. PaymentSummary will consist of grandTotal, subTotal, taxes, subTotalDiscountAmount, shippingFee, serviceFee, otherFee, depositMethod, deposit, change.
  7. Add price in addition to salesPrice in items. price will be the normal price, and salesPrice will be the sales price. The difference will be automatically calculated as a discount.
  8. In items, rename itemId to LineItemId.
  9. In items, change itemTypes to LineItemType.
  10. Add an array object related to taxes in items.
  11. Add currency. Please use ISO4217 for values.
  12. If there is a request error, an error will be returned.

Upsert Receipt Response Model will be changed.

  1. Rename rowKey to receiptId.
  2. partitionKey will no longer be available.
  3. eTag will no longer be available.
  4. itemListJsonString will no longer be available.
  5. Export values related to store as an object. The contents in store will be storeId, storeCode, storeName, storeRegisgrationName, storeRegisgrationCode, storeTel, storeAddress, storeMemo.
  6. Export values related to staff as an object. The contents in staff will be staffId, staffCode, staffName.
  7. Export values related to customer as an object. The contents in customer will be customerId, customerCode, customerGroup, customerPrintName, customerMemo.
  8. isClosed and closingDate will no longer be available.
  9. Export values related to tax as an object. The values in taxes will be taxPercentageIfInclude, taxPercentageIfExclude, applicableSubTotalAmount.
  10. Export values related to point or mile as an object. The array name will be membershipPrograms, with membershipProgramName, membershipProgramPointsUsed, membershipProgramPointsAdded, membershipProgramPointsAfter, membershipProgramPointsBefore, membershipProgramPointsNote.
  11. Subtotal, GrandTotal, Deposit etc. will be exported as the PaymentSummary object. PaymentSummary will consist of grandTotal, subTotal, taxes, subTotalDiscountAmount, shippingFee, serviceFee, otherFee, depositMethod, deposit, change.
  12. senderLogJsonString will no longer be available.
  13. ocrText, ocrResult, receiptStatus, expenseCategory, readAndApproved, isReadable, imageLocation will no longer be available.
  14. amount will no longer be available and will be unified with GrandTotal.
  15. smaregiTransactionJson will no longer be available.
  16. Export values related to coupon as an object. The array name will be coupons, with couponName, couponPointsUsed, couponPointsAdded, couponPointsAfter, couponPointsBefore, couponNote.
  17. Rename receiptItems to itemDetailLines.
  18. In itemDetailLines, rename rowKey to lineId.
  19. In itemDetailLines, partitionKey will no longer be available.
  20. In itemDetailLines, rename detailId to itemId.
  21. In itemDetailLines, rename detailType to itemType.
  22. In itemDetailLines, eTag will no longer be available.
  23. In itemDetailLines, printReceiptProductName will no longer be available and will be unified with productName.
  24. In itemDetailLines, productBundleGroupId will no longer be available.
  25. In itemDetailLines, export discount-related values as an object.
  26. In subscription, rename rowKey to subscriptionId.
  27. In subscription, partitionKey will no longer be available.
  28. In subscription, eTag will no longer be available.
  29. In subscription, timestamp will no longer be available.
  30. In subscription, validSinceEpoch, validUntilEpoch will no longer be available.
更新日: 2023-07-11